North Texas Bells, LLC

Improving employee retention and engagement for the frontline workforce

The Challenge

The client’s manual processes complicated communication between corporate and frontline staff, impacting operations. Also, difficulties in onboarding, training, and fostering a sense of belonging led to a high turnover rate. The client was seeking a unified solution to streamline communication, improve onboarding, and increase employee retention

The Solution

Upon setting up our intranet, the client saw improved communication between corporate and frontline staff. The solution facilitated an evolved onboarding process, addressing training challenges and promoting employee engagement. This resulted in reduced turnover rates, streamlined operations, and better employee retention for the franchisee.

Our Promise

We tailor the tool to fit your organization’s needs. All you have to do is plug and play. 

The Timeline for Success

We understand your needs and work around your schedule

The client aimed to create an engaging work environment by fostering a sense of value, inclusion, and belonging among employees.


The client faced inefficiencies, including time-consuming and complex onboarding processes due to a manual approach. The client also encountered difficulties with communication between corporate and frontline staff.


A mobile and web solution to modernize the onboarding process and streamline communication channels.


The solution was customized to enable mobile app-based employee onboarding, and the integration of custom-built widgets like Badges and Pulse Surveys.


The solution streamlined organizational communication to one platform, resulting in a remarkably lower employee turnover rate.

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